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Best Time To Visit Antarctica For Amazing Photos

By: Capturing Travel


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Two Antarctica Seasons:

Antarctic Winter: March - October Antarctic Summer: October - March 

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The only time to visit Antarctica as a tourist is in Antarctic summer - between October and March.  But wich month is best for your photography goals? 

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- Large Icebergs - Crabeater Seal Cubs - Clean & prestine environment - Landing sites may not be accessible due to ice - Coldest month in the season


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- Penguins nesting - Albatrosses return - Elephant seal courting rituals in South Georgia Islands - Peak season

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The best month for wildlife (including penguin) and iceberg photography and more! 


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Less ice, but more wildlife! 


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- Whales (minke, orca, humpbacks) - Moulting penguin chicks - Gorgeous sunsets

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- Large penguin rookeries - Aurora Australis

On Capturing Travel we share our best tips and tricks to take your travel photography to new heights! From the white glaciers in Antarctica to the sandy beaches in the Maldives, let’s ensure you capture the best moments of your adventures.

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